Attitude:Meaning and matters

Attitude is the  most common term you must have come across.Of course,It must have been a thought, , what it  is actually? Man,  psychologically is a  sum total of cognitive,affective and behavioral aspects.These aspects  makes him evaluate  some matters based on past experiences, feel in a particular manner and respond accordingly.Attitudes are subset to this psychology.These are predispositions,positive or negative that make him react in a favorable  or unfavorable manner to a particular event or happening.

Meaning of Attitudes??

An Attitude refers to a set of emotions beliefs and behaviors towards a particular object,person thing or event..These are learned tendencies to evaluate things in a certain way.Such evaluations can be positive or negative.At times, uncertain.They develop in the course of time as a person grows up as a result of:-
                (a)  Experiences
                (b)  Learning(classical conditioning)
                (c)  Conditioning(behavior of others)
                (d)  Observation
These attitudes  are developed in Mind(COGNITIVE Component), soon they effect our Feelings(AFFECTIVE  Component),then influence our Behavior(BEHAVIORAL Component).Lets understand this with a simple example


Ana thinks Ryan drinks alcohol,which is a bad habit. (cognitive) ,
so, she dislikes him for that  (affective)
and keeps distance with him.(behavior).

In this way attitude tends to develop as a result of social interactions,experiences or influence of others and soon effects our feelings and behaviors. as seen in above example.this is what we call ABC of attitudes.

Attitudes are basically of two broad kinds 
  • positive 
  • negative 
As the name signifies Positive attitudes are constructive in nature. determination,perseverance,looking at brighter aspect of things are examples of positive attitudes
.Conversely, gossip,criticism,hatred,distrust are examples of negative attitudes which are destructive .Attitudes can further be 
  • Explicit
  • Implicit
Explicit attitudes are  those which we are consciously aware of & influence our behavior .Those which we are not aware of,but still effect our behavior are implicit Attitudes.
Question arises,

Can attitudes be changed??

Yes, as we have learnt above how attitudes develop could be due to experience,operant conditioning(stimulation) in the same way they can also be changed.Persuasion is the best way to change attitudes.
"Persuasion is a communication designed to bring about desired change in the Attitude of people towards an object"-Unknown

"Persuasion is a process by which a communicator or source attempts to convince people to change their Attitude regarding an issue through a persuasive message".-"Unknown"

Could it  be persuasion through a negative response ,written sources ,magazines,,articles,advertisement, seminars all these are examples that influence an Attitude change.For instance. a Positive attitude towards Cleanliness can be developed in a person by a positive speech in favor of cleanliness,also,by stating the benefits of being clean.Also,a negative stimulation like penalties can also be a a great help.

Positive Attitude

A Constructive approach wherein a person develops a broader vision to life and situations ,has a mindset that is full of optimism and an outlook full of zest and energy to find the best in all conditions is "Positive attitude.  
  • Always expecting a successful outcome of actions
  • Inspiring and encouraging others
  • Having self confidence and self esteem
  • Looking at solutions rather than dwelling on problems
  • Open to Opportunities

Why develop positive Attitude??

"Half full or half empty?"How do you look at things?Do you always search/Opportunities or problems  in the things around you?Whom would you like be surrounded by? People who misunderstand,full of distrust,gossipy,searching for problems rather than solutions or people who care ,understand look at brighter aspect of things and turn challenges into opportunities?

We love to be surrounded by positive things isn't it? Conversely, generate negativity ourselves.It is important to understand that people ,organisations and social groups also like  individuals who are full of energy and look at brighter aspect of things.Therefore,we need to be positive.
There is a direct co-relationship between  a positive attitude ,better relationships and success in life. A positive attitude tends to boost energy,heighten strength and inspire others.It can improve your life span and also protect you from many diseases.It generates happiness and adds trust in your own self also,it increases your skill.

Positive Attitude and workplace

Employers today are seeking people who carry a positive attitude towards work What can be the prospective reason?It is simple because"Positivity begets positivity,"A positive person can look at brighter aspects of things,he can look for opportunities in problems and take things in the right perspective.All this and more generates a wave of optimism that increases performance.
An employee with a bad attitude can really upset the apple cart in the office and create a really toxic environment".Positive attitudes can make a joy to be in.It can manifold the capacities of others too.

How to develop a Positive Attitude?

  • Keep away from negative company
  • Practice self dialogue
  • Be Realistic
  •  Meditate
  • Deliberately imbibe positivity-seek solutions not problems
  • Stop negative thoughts
  • Spent time with people who fill you with positive thoughts
  • Find happiness in things around
  • Fill yourself with Gratitude    
Bottom line....
If you have the right way you can see that the whole world is a garden.So,Attitude matters.Hell and Heaven are creations of our minds.Believing in negative thoughts is a single greatest  obstruction to success.After all,Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder .So.let Positive Attitude rule your mind!!




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