How to Cope with Financial Stress :Lets fight it out!!

An uncertainty in Economy has lead to a  situation today wherein many have lost jobs and others  are struggling hard to keep up the pace .Businesses have been shattered due to recession and purchasing power is decreasing in the people.All this and much more has lead to an  increase in anxiety and severe health issues like insomnia,depression and adoption of unhealthy drinking habits.
An increased intolerance,low moods ,negative feelings and suicidal temptations are also seen in the people.All these are an indication of increased Financial Stress.Pandemic Covid -19 has further added to the proliferated downsizing rates among the companies worldwide. People are finding it  hard to make both ends meet.

The question arises ,What can be done to cope up with such uncertain situations and to be healthy as ever.The best way to be mindful in such a situation is to practise the psychology of "ENOUGH".That means what I have now is sufficient and good enough to meet my present needs.My needs for today are fulfilled and I have the capacity to make things better for future.With this state of mind if we keep ourselves focused to opportunities we are sure to find a way.

Ways to Deal with Financial Stress

  • Keep away from negative news
  • Exercise Daily
  • Search alternative ways to increase income
  • Make a budget to expenses estimates &stick to it
  • Believe in small savings
  • Be Realistic
  • Stay Positive
  • Spend time with Family and friends
  • Identify ways to cut down on bills.
  • Ensure timely payments to avoid penalties
  • Trust yourself
  • Have faith on God

Keep away from Negative News


Negative news is a slow killer.A constant ear to negative news can take a toll on our physical ,emotional and mental health.It has a huge impact on our thinking,behavior and emotions. A constant stream of disastrous news is adding to our stress levels.It can further pull us to  conditions of severe Depression .So lets choose to keep ourselves away of negative news.


Exercise increases overall health and well being. Physical activity is known to increase the secretion of Endorphins. These are feel good neurotransmitters that decrease depression .They also  improve moods and generate positivity in mind. Regular exercise can increase self confidence,relax anxiety and improve sleep,which is disrupted by stress.It gives one a command over one's body resulting in increased energy and optimism.

DEALING WITH FINANCIAL STRESSSearch Alternative sources of income

Whatever may be the reason of your financial stress .a job loss,an over expedient partner or recession in economy the best way to fight back is  to search for alternative sources of income . It could be  extra work in evening ,work from home Jobs, offline or online jobs and many more. To understand that more inputs in income will remove the gaps is important.
It could also be a hobby converted to business like you may choose to write if you a good writer.Many alternative ways are available which can be practiced to increase money incomes.

Budget your Expenses 

An uncontrolled expenditure is sure to add up to the stress .So prepare a budget to what ever are your expenditures .The best way is to write down all your expenses. Set the target budget and try and stick to it.Do not let deviations come.Even if they appear minimize them by having a vigilant eye to your expenses.It will help to cut down spendthrift usages.
You can also take the help of your family to take a coordinated step towards your goal of decreasing the expenses. and fighting back to the situation.


Small little drops of water added consistently make an ocean .With this mind set we can work on small savings to save money.It could be to adopting alternative sources of electricity ,solar cooking or choosing to walk when distances are short .All this shall add up to your wallet and save money.
Believe it or not these little ways are an effective way to improve financial health.

Be Realistic

Situations of expenditures uncontrolled will occur. there will be Deviations from your plan .You need to be realistic to such a condition. Accept deviations and stay calm .Try to focus on conditions which you can control more than which passed out creating deviations.This will help you to be focused and well managed.

Stay Positive

Positive thinking reduces stress.It lowers the rates of depression ,distress and develops a psychological and physical well being. It reduces chances of cardiovascular disorders which accompanies such stress.
you can inculcate positivism by being open to humor,following healthy lifestyle practicing self talk and staying with positive people.

Spend Time with Family and Friends

Family and friends are a great help to fight situations of stress and depression . It is important to spend time with your spouse,parents and all those people who generate positive attitude in you.Ups and downs are apart of life .Those who are motivated by this philosophy of life are more optimistic to such downfalls.Those who understand your skills and know your expertise will be a great help.

DEALING WITH FINANCIAL STRESSIdentify ways to cut down on Bills   
Cost cutting techniques need to be followed to make your Budget success.You can choose any ways which can reduce your expenses.Like ,choosing to chop when moxie is needed or going to office by public transport instead of your own car . Take the help of your spouse to help you to stick to your plans.

Ensure timely payments to cut down on penalties

Late payments can add up to your cost.Could it be your tax payments,insurance of car or bills let them be timely to avoid penalties as it is going to add up to your expenses and further  to your anxiety.

Remember the situations where you have succeeded,where you overcome dificuilties in spite of all odds.Where 
you have been a achiever and been rewarded.This will keep you positive and moving to strive for the best.It will fill you with joy and keep on going.

Have faith on God
Almighty can work wonders.With this trust in mind we should work and think that soon a new  opportunity opportunity will knock our door,that will change our conditions and life will be joyful again. 

Bottom line 

Financial problems in this uncertain economy are sure to overwhelm anyone but a consistent effort to savings,searching alternative methods of income and a positive attitude can be a great help.Let your faith be higher than your fears!

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