Gratitude : A Powerful Healer

It began with a smile followed by an appreciation for every little thing that I am blessed with  and it helped heal my wounds!Isn't it amazing? but true.Does a depressed ,anxious mind always need a medication?The answer is ,No.There is a beautiful emotion,underused ,in present times that can make us happier, productive,optimistic and stronger at relations called Gratitude.


Gratitude is a feeling associated with appreciation,thankfulness and a return of kindness.It is acknowledging the goodness we carry in our lives.It helps us to see what's there instead of what isn't. It makes us more positive,It is like a magnet to miracles. It helps us to connect with the good we have and the good others have been doing for us.Result is improved happiness ,better relations and increased productivity powered by optimism.

Every time we express gratitude we throw a positive energy in the universe.Energy has its own scientific principles and laws. One of it states that energy can never be destroyed .It can be transformed from one form to another.Every time we praise something,appreciate someone we throw a positive energy.This positive energy transforms itself and bounces back to me in different forms,could it be health,positive attitude or changed outlook to life.


"To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant,to enact gratitude is generous and noble,but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven."~Johannes a. Gaertner
Gratitude is like a drug that disconnects us of negative emotions empties our mind of hostility,tensions and triggers of imbalanced emotions and generates a wave of  optimism.Speaking a letter of gratitude shifts our focus on positive emotions .It makes us present oriented .


  Maintain a gratitude journal

Maintain a journal of things ,people  or situations you are grateful.That make you happy and enrich your life.You may start with a diary entry each day to make it your habit. Set a particular time of the day ,list out your happy moments.Now write about your challenges.What you learnt from those challenges and how they changed you and see the difference.

Use Gratitude Affirmations
There are some gratitude affirmations that can change your outlook. Some of them are 
  1. I am grateful to be alive and live this day.
  2. I am grateful for the warm showers everyday.
  3. I am grateful for the full belly and meals I enjoyed.
  4. I am grateful for who I am.
  5. I am grateful for the knowledge I carry to transform something.      
Set particular times of the day to practice gratitude
It is important to set a particular time for gratitude.Gratitude is a meditation ,a prayer,an interconnection to cosmos.A particular time will work out wonders. 

Thank someone mentally or write Thank you notes
Thanking someone by a thank you note or a verbal expression is always useful. However,if that is not possible thank someone mentally.It enriches us with peace and positivity.

Share your gratitude
Make someone your partner  in this gratitude practice and share your feelings with the person.By speaking of praises ,appreciation and thankfulness for small things we actually get in positive vibes which return in different manifestations.

Be consistent
The effects of gratitude like recurring savings are compounded.So once you start seeing the positive results do not stop practicing it.Be regular ,make it a part of your life and see the manifold effects.

Count your blessings
Few minutes of your day should be spent on how you made it through .How everything went smoothly.Count your blessings each day.What made your day.What all you enjoyed today.

My gratitude list....(GRATITUDE ATTITUDE)

 ** I thank as I rise from the bed for a undisturbed sleep.
**I thank as I get a refreshing cup of tea.
** A nutritious breakfast needs to the thanked.
**As the day passes without any obstacles and upheavals I thank.
**Sumptuous meals deserve  thanks.
**As I pass by a park or out for a beach for a break I thank for the fragrance of flowers,the beauty of        nature and the cool sensation on my skin that I feel.
**I express gratitude in my prayers for the caring people around.
**As I go to bed I thank for the comfortable bed I have.



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😊~Gratitude makes us happier and fuller.We ourselves feel the positive vibes as we deliver them.The rule says Energy manifests itself and returns back.
😊~Helps us relax.It improves our sleep and helps us fight with depression and anxiety. 
😊~Increases our productivity.Gratitude fills us with positive energy and makes us mindful.This further improves our capacity to work.
😊~Removes negative toxic feelings.It cleanses our mind of envy,resentment,hatred and brings a better version of us out.
😊~Makes us Spiritual.As we start to be thankful for every little things the universe sends us more positive energy that is sure to make us a positive Human Being ,who forgives,understands and lets it go.
😊~Improves Relationships.No matter which relationship gratitude is sure to add up a positive color.Many relations suffer on account of no or little appreciation toward each other.


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People who practice gratitude at work place are seen to be better in relationship building and being congenial with their coworkers.They carry a high wave of energy that is sure to increase their performance accompanied by higher career growth.They are more emphatic and better human beings .
We need to guard ourselves here against egotism,self importance,arrogance,vanity and sense of entitlements.They not only destroy team spirit but prove destructive in human relations.

We need to praise ,appreciate and thank the universe for what we have .Every time we do that we ask more of it!More of happiness,optimism,love in relationships and improved productivity at work.



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